Reen Chung, DDS, our expert dentist, is highly trained in handling dental emergencies. Our Seattle dental office reserves room in our daily schedule for patients to come in with urgent matters. While we hope you never experience a dental emergency, it’s still important you know what to do and where to go just in case.
Most Common Dental Emergencies
Broken, lost, and chipped teeth are dental emergencies. You should call us immediately if this happens to you. We may be able to restore the tooth and put it back in its original place if we see you in time. Severe toothaches are also considered dental emergencies. Although they may be something as benign as tooth sensitivity from clenching, it may also signify something more serious, like a dental abscess. If fever or swelling of the face is also present with the pain, this is a sign of infection. Call us right away.
What to Do in a Dental Emergency
If you lose or crack a tooth, or if you lose a crown or filling, call us. Hold on to the bits of tooth or lost crown and bring them into your appointment. If you have severe dental pain, call to schedule an appointment. We will get you seen as soon as possible. If you have trouble breathing, go to the emergency room. While waiting to see us at your emergency appointment, you can manage your pain with over-the-counter medication and a cold compress to the face. Never take a pain pill that was prescribed to someone else.
Call Us Immediately If…
Anything that sets off alarm bells as being abnormal to you should be considered serious. This includes tooth or gum pain, swelling, bleeding, loose teeth, or any warning signs that you may have a dental emergency. We will put you on our schedule right away and make sure you get relief quickly.
To prevent dental emergencies, take great care of your teeth every day. Brush and floss, wear a mouthguard for contact sports, and avoid foods that may increase the chances of chipping. Hard candies and popcorn kernels, ice, and chewy foods can put your teeth at risk, so use caution when eating.
Don’t be afraid to call us if you’re not sure whether your situation is an emergency or not. We will happily answer any questions and direct you to a solution.
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