Winter is coming! This means warm sweaters and cozying up to the fireplace on cold nights. But it can also mean adverse and even painful conditions for your teeth. If you’ve ever noticed that your teeth are more sensitive in cold weather, you aren’t imagining it.

Why Does Cold Weather Cause Tooth Sensitivity?
Your teeth expand and contract in response to cold and hot weather. This can lead to cracks in your enamel, which is the outer layer of the teeth. When the enamel erodes, it exposes the underlying layer of the teeth, the dentin. The dentin is covered in nerve fibers, and exposure to heat, cold, or acidic substances can cause pain and sensitivity. In Seattle, there’s not too much we can do about cooler temperatures and rainy weather. But there is something you can do to help reduce pain and sensitivity.
How to Protect Your Teeth Against Cold
In order to do your part to prevent cold sensitivity in teeth, you need to prevent demineralization in the enamel so the dentin doesn’t become exposed. This is easily done by staying on top of your daily dental ritual. Flossing daily, brushing twice a day for 2 minutes, and not brushing too hard will all help. If you notice that cold brings you pain, we want you to call us. There are many ways we can treat this so it won’t happen again. Flouride treatments, protective sealants, and night guards can all reduce pain due to cooler weather and enamel erosion. You don’t have to suffer through winter tooth pain. Call today and we will get you set up with an appointment to protect and strengthen your teeth.
Consult with Our Expert Team!
If cold weather or foods are a problem for you, let us know. Reduced pain and sensitivity may just be a dental appointment away.
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