Do you regularly experience jaw pain, headaches, or popping and clicking when you open your mouth? These symptoms may be a sign that there’s an issue with your temporomandibular joints (TMJ). Don’t waste another day living with this painful condition – we can help!
What Is TMJ Disorder?
TMJ disorder (TMD) refers to an assortment of problems that can develop in the temporomandibular joints. There can be many causes of TMD, but some of the main ones are arthritis, bite misalignment, clenching or grinding teeth, and jaw injuries. If Dr. Chung determines you have TMD, he may recommend TMJ therapy.
What Are the Symptoms of TMD?
TMD symptoms can present differently in different patients. You may experience jaw tenderness, ear pain, or regular headaches. Other patients report lockjaw, pain when chewing, and difficulty opening their mouths. In general, if something feels off with your jaw, it’s a good idea to schedule an exam with Dr. Chung.
What Is TMJ Treatment?
Sometimes, TMD symptoms are mild enough that you can treat them at home with a cold compress or an anti-inflammatory medication like Ibuprofen. You can also practice jaw exercises to stretch and strengthen those muscles while relieving tension. For more severe TMD, Dr. Chung might recommend an oral appliance. We custom-create these mouthguards to gently shift the position of your jaw while you sleep, which can alleviate tension in the joint. In the most serious cases, surgery may be necessary to treat TMD.
Is TMJ Therapy Necessary?
Left untreated, TMD issues can cause serious problems. When the jaw joint is under too much pressure, it can dislocate. This can make jaw surgery necessary. Like many common dental issues, the earlier we can diagnose and treat TMD, the better. To learn more about TMJ therapy or to schedule a consultation, call us today!
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