Heading out on a vacation? We’re jealous! We hope your trip is full of fun and relaxation. We also hope that you keep up with your dental care while you’re away so you don’t set back your oral health. Don’t worry—we’re not saying that you need to go find a dentist abroad. We’re just saying that you should remember to pack some dental care essentials so that your dental wellness is always covered, wherever you’re headed. Here are some of the best dental care essentials for frequent travelers:

Toothbrush & Protector
If you’re traveling light, like say preparing for a long stretch of backpacking where every bit of weight counts, then you may want to pick up one of those handy travel-sized toothbrushes you can easily put into any pocket. If you have more space in your luggage, maybe you prefer to take your electric toothbrush. Either way, make sure that you have a toothbrush and that it has a cover to help lessen the chances of bacteria nestling in the bristles as you travel around.
Floss or Flossers
Just because you’re on the go doesn’t mean you can skimp out on your daily flossing. Remember to pack some floss in your toiletries kit so that you can complete your full dental routine wherever you’re staying. You may also want to have some single-use flossers tucked away in your purse or carry-on bag so you have something ready to go if you need it during the flight.
Travel-Sized Toothpaste & Mouthwash
Don’t forget about the rules when it comes to carrying liquids on planes! Get travel-sized toothpaste and keep your mouthwash in a travel-sized container. We recommend having some in your carry-on bag so that you can freshen up during a long flight. That extra bit of minty freshness can really help you feel rejuvenated after spending hours on a plane!
Dental Product Advice at Reen Chung, DDS
Want more advice about what dental products to use? We’d love to talk more about some of our favorites! Contact Reen Chung, DDS today and we’d be happy to give you our recommendations for dental care essentials.
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