What Is Considered a Dental Emergency?

As with any other type of medical issue, it’s not always easy to tell when a situation requires immediate care, when you can wait for a more convenient time to take care of the issue, and when the problem can be treated at home. Take a look at our blog post to find out what is considered a dental emergency.

What If a Tooth Gets Knocked Out in an Accident?

Getting a tooth knocked out is one of the scarier things that can happen to you. There’s lots of pain, blood, and fear. If you act quickly, we can save the tooth and replant it. Read our blog post for advice on what to do if your tooth is knocked out.

When to Go to an Emergency Dentist

Our expert dentist is highly trained in handling dental emergencies and our Seattle dental office reserves room in our daily schedule for patients to come in with urgent matters. While we hope you never experience a dental emergency, it’s still important you know what to do and where to go just in case. Read our blog post for details.

Call Us for Dental Emergencies During COVID-19

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, COVID-19, our Reen Chung, DDS, Seattle, Washington dental office is operating under limited hours for emergencies only. Read our blog post for ways to stay safe during this difficult time.
Reen Chung, DDS

Reen Chung, DDS